TechSoup Global wants to learn more about how your organisation uses traditional and cloud-based technology and about your plans for the future.
Be heard! This is your chance to tell us what you need. Take our survey – it’s short, only 10 minutes, and intended for anyone who has responsibility for recommending, purchasing or managing IT products or services at an NGO including nonprofits, charities, libraries, foundations or similar organizations. All ranges of IT influencers are invited — from accidental techies to IT directors.
By better understanding the tools you currently use and your future plans, we can work with our partners around the world to provide nonprofits like yours the technology resources they need to operate at their full potential.
The survey closes March 23 so please don’t miss out on your chance to tell us about your IT needs.
What are we doing with the results?
In late spring, we’ll publish a white paper with the survey results detailing the responses of nonprofits based in the United States and in 37 countries around the world. The results will support organisations like yours in making informed IT decisions. They will provide insights into how your peers are using technology and into the currents needs and issues around adopting cloud technologies.
If you’re interested in receiving a report on the survey findings, be sure to provide your email address at the end of the survey. We’ll send you the white paper when it’s finished in late spring and it’ll be available for free on our site.
Tagged: charities, Civil Society Organisations, cloud computing, ICT, NGOs, nonprofit, technology